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Acquisition Management

Drones are revolutionizing air power, offering cost-effective, low-altitude solutions that enhance speed, range, and lethality. The expanding use of drones also necessitates robust new countermeasures that can be integrated into legacy defense systems. Recent conflicts highlight the growing future role for affordable drone technology and counter-drone capabilities, highlighting their potential as force multipliers but also raising ethical, and legal concerns.

Dr. Neil Renic Researcher, Center for Military Studies, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Johan Christensen, Research Assistant, Center for Military Studies, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Open innovation (OI) models represent a new strategy inducing huge transformation for defense organizations such as air forces and their industry partners, particularly lead systems integrators. The shift from closed to OI models has become essential, but implies paradigmatic changes to be managed relating to the design and appraisal of complex military programs.

Dr. Valérie Merindol, Professor and Co-Director, newPIC Chair, Paris School of Business, France

Policy shifts and technological advancements have propelled commercial space activities, outnumbering traditional satellites. Military benefits, including cost savings, hinge on flexible acquisition processes. However, challenges persist, especially in kinetic operations. Adapting requires addressing critical questions about acquisition models and collaboration with commercial providers.

Dr. Jamie M. Morin, Executive Director, Center for Space Policy and Strategy, United States

Sam Wilson, Senior Policy Analyst, Center for Space Policy and Strategy, United States

Military capability development is a highly complex process, and when it happens in a multinational context, the complexities increase significantly. Militaries manage these complexities using several models, but each model presents trade-offs. The most relevant trade-off is between coordination and political costs on the one hand and economic and military benefits on the other.

Dr. Bence Nemeth, Senior Lecturer, Defense Studies Education, King’s College London, United Kingdom