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Open innovation (OI) models represent a new strategy inducing huge transformation for defense organizations such as air forces and their industry partners, particularly lead systems integrators. The shift from closed to OI models has become essential, but implies paradigmatic changes to be managed relating to the design and appraisal of complex military programs.

Dr. Valérie Merindol, Professor and Co-Director, newPIC Chair, Paris School of Business, France

Lying at the intersection of human factors and human-computer interaction, human systems integration (HSI) aims to seamlessly team humans with AI-assisted machines. Critical for this integration are trust, collaboration, and familiarity, especially in high-risk environments. Tools like digital twins and human-in-the-loop simulations enhance HSI, while standardizing principles and improving user feedback are crucial for success.

Professor Guy André Boy, FlexTech Chair Holder, CentraleSupélec, Paris Saclay University, France

Leadership styles are critical for empowering organizations toward change. Transformational leadership will be pivotal for the air force in unleashing the potential of its people to evolve to a new way of working. Advancing change and transforming people is, however, not a linear process, and grappling with the adaptive challenge requires more than simply focusing on technical problems.

Dr. Bryan Watters OBE, Associate Professor and Head, Centre for Defence Management and Leadership, Cranfield University & Defence Academy of the United Kingdom